Pink is the new Blue

Walking into any menswear section of shops, one will find shades of pink in striped shirts. Similarly, women too storm the workforce in grey and blue color outfits to fulfil their career aspirations. This revolution makes everyone claim “ pink is the new blue !” Pink is the new blue can be portrayed in two ways, of which one is to show women’s dominance in today’s world compared to the past when they didn’t have the will of their own. The other being the stereotypic definition of gender, based on colors pink and blue. When people find a woman working at a construction site or driving a taxi that too at late-night shifts, one might comment “Pink is the new blue”. But if they discover a man performing household chores or looking after his children, would we ever spot them exclaiming “Blue is the new pink”? It’s highly uncertain! The point is the elimination of the belief that men are supposed to mend cars, and women are supposed to do household chores and look after their...