Gender Biased Sex Selection

An excerpt on female foeticide in India Female foeticide is the selective abortion or elimination of the female child, with or without the consent of the mother, after the detection of the child’s gender through a series of medical tests. This is usually done under familial pressure from the husband or the in-laws or sometimes, even the woman’s parents. In India the ratio of boys to girls is 924:1000. That is, for every 1000 men, there are only 924 women. This statistic was calculated in 2019 and over time there has been a decline in boy to girl ratio in India. The girls have not vanished overnight. Decades of sex determination tests and female foeticide that has acquired genocidal proportions are finally catching up with the states in India. The frequency of female foeticide in India is assumed to be an estimation derived from its high birth sex ration, that is the ratio of boys to girls at birth. According to recent UN reports, “Every day around 7000 girls are killed...