Why Should We All Be Feminists

Feminism is a movement that aims to achieve equality for all individuals, regardless of their gender. While it is often viewed as a movement for women, it imperative for everyone to be a feminist. A feminist society will benefit all its stakeholders which shall enable every individual to progress without discriminatory hurdles. Firstly, men should be feminists as they’ve a lot to benefit! While women disproportionately experience issues such as the gender pay gap, sexual harassment, and domestic violence; men are also affected by the patriarchal norms and expectations. Societal conditioning to be the “Provider” adds an undue mental strain on men. A feminist society can help men break free from these restrictive gender roles, allowing them to explore their interests and talents without fear of judgment. Societal pressure often discourages men from seeking help at the cost of worsening their own mental health. The privileges that men lose will work in their favour by unshackling them fro...