The Invisible Beauty Standards and Body Positivity

A popular actress once said that “in the world of Kardashians, be an Audrey.” This is probably because of the beauty standards being defined as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.” The Kardashian are known for creating trends which are now affecting the youth: losing a large amount of weight in less time, plastic surgery, fillers etc. The youth today is becoming so influenced that in order to feel capable and qualified, they need to be perfect all the time. While on the other side was Audrey Hepburn, who said that with beauty comes kindness and love for humanity, two polar different thoughts depend on which affects us deeply.  

Being Indian, the beauty standards were always bothersome:

“Oh look she is not fair like her mom.” 

“Kitni Moti Hai re woh!” (look how fat she is)

“How can she even wear such clothes?” 

Sometimes, I even wonder with going further in time if people are becoming even more laid back with their thoughts. If I had the opportunity to talk about the negative beauty standards, it could go on all day. But if there was one thing that I had learned from it, it was about how with the way we perceive the world we have a tendency to create our own barriers our boundaries which restrict us. If you want to do something, go for it!! It can be trying a new look, experimenting with your hair, or wearing mismatched clothes!!  Do what makes you happy. You are breaking your own standards!! 

Body Positivity is a topic of personal importance to me. My parents have told me you are the best as long as you make yourself feel that you are the best. Body positivity and fitness are two different concepts altogether. Body positivity is about embracing yourself (fortes or flaws) and working towards them, while fitness is about being physically fit and improving your health. What is unique is that both these terms work together hand in hand, because, without having a proper mindset about yourself you cannot achieve your desired targets. 

My new years' resolution was to be more confident and become fit. Working towards them, I learnt that acceptance plays a key role in anything you want to achieve in your life! Knowing your current situation and working towards, setting goals for yourselves testing yourself to the fullest.

Thus, beauty standards and body positivity are our boundaries which each one of us has to face in one way or the other and the moral leant from it will stay with us for ever. I am still on the road, learning new things- few bitter some sweet- but knowing that they will help me to become a better person.

Written by: Heer Sagar 


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