Are Women in “Progressive” Circles in India Safe?
We recently took to Instagram stories for an activity that analysed how a young Gen-Z Indian girl in the supposedly “progressive” society of today feels, even in relatively modern metropolises in privileged households, and the results were - while unsurprising - disheartening. The questions were about whether they were allowed to stay out of their homes after dark, and even when they did, whether they felt safe, and how often they were subjected to demeaning comments about their clothes. A large majority of the responders were restricted heavily by their parents when it came to being allowed to stay out at night, which showcases how Indian households continue to disproportionately restrict their daughters’ freedom over their sons. However, this phenomenon cannot be blamed solely on the cultural background. It is because of the inherent fear that plagues the conscience of every Indian parent for their daughter’s safety that often holds them back from giving a level of freedom to them th...