Domestic Violence

Hey, let’s talk about one of the many important topics which is still not discussed so openly - domestic violence.

Domestic violence can be described as the power misused by one adult in a relationship to control another. It is the establishment of control and fear in a relationship through violence and other forms of abuse, like physical assault, psychological abuse, social abuse, financial abuse, or sexual assault. 

You might think or have heard about women getting abused when it comes to domestic violence, but it extends - albeit in a lesser proportion -  well beyond to men as victims, too.. Domestic violence affects all genders, so efforts to support survivors should be inclusive. But since 95% of victims are women, this is also distinctly a women’s issue. 

If something like this is happening with you or someone you know, then you should understand that you are not alone. A staggering number of women do not speak up due to the fear of tarnishing their family’s reputation. This basically leads to more abuse. 

If you think someone around you or someone you know is facing these kinds of issues or you see any marked changes in their behavior, try to talk to them and help them convince them to seek professional help. It won’t do any harm to you, but can make a world of a difference in their life.

When you’re in an abusive relationship, it can be difficult to recognize the signs. Many abusers are skilled manipulators, making it all too easy to dismiss their actions as rare, regrettable accidents. Consequently, even though domestic violence is a lot more common than we would think, it is still profoundly misunderstood

Some overwhelming portrayals of it can be seen in some recent movies as well

  A Vigilante (2019)
The “vigilante” of this film is Sadie, played by Olivia Wilde. A domestic abuse survivor, Sadie now spends her time finding and punishing abusers. At the same time, she’s attempting to track down her own abuser, her ex-husband. “A Vigilante” is a revenge fantasy, but unlike many in its genre, the world of the movie is realistic and grounded. It’s our world, where Sadie can find more than a few abusers living their lives free and easy. Olivia Wilde’s performance is powerful and painful. Though her character is built through a saga of theatrical, cinematic displays, the emotions driving them still feel real, and the movie focuses on her inner struggles just as much as the violence.

A story of domestic violence and male entitlement, Thappad is a resounding slap on the face of a society that has raised men to believe that they are superior to women. Without being preachy, the film tells the tales of men who treat their wives and mothers as second-class citizens. It also focuses on the fact that violence is never okay, and it shouldn’t be tolerated under any circumstances.

If you are experiencing domestic abuse, you may feel hesitant to reach out for help, especially if you fear repercussions from your abuser. You should know that domestic violence hotlines like the one offered through RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) are 100% free and confidential. The helpline is 800.656.HOPE (4673). When called, one will be routed to a local RAINN affiliate organization based on the first six digits of your phone number. 

There are also empathetic therapists out there who understand your situation and what you are going through and can help you break free from your abusive relationship.

- Lakshita Gandhi


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