Mental Health

Mental Health:

This is a word we all have been constantly hearing recently, but how well do we know its meaning?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

When we read closely, this definition has various aspects:

  1. State of well-being: A state in which a person is comfortable, healthy or happy;

  2. Realizing his or her own abilities:  It focuses majorly on self-analysis in which an individual introspects and ponders over their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, and then comes to a realization of their abilities in terms of what they are good at and what makes them happy.

  3. Cope with normal stresses of life: The ability to deal with the constant pressure and stresses every individual faces at various levels - personal, professional, communal(both internal and external)

  4. Work productively and fruitfully: Working in such a manner that you don’t only meet the given targets but achieving them effectively, efficiently and smartly. Doing a task fruitfully means finishing an assigned job through smart work and not long hours of inefficient hard work

  5. Contribution to his or her own community: This means that, other than professional work and contribution, one must also do things that will not directly benefit them but will have an effect or impact on the community.

More than 450 million people suffer from mental disorders. According to WHO, in the year 2020, depression has constituted the second largest disease burden worldwide. The global burden of mental health is well beyond the treatment capacities of developed and developing countries. The social and economic costs associated with this growing concern brought into focus the possibilities for promoting mental health as well as preventing and treating mental illness. 

Physical health and mental health are closely associated and it is proved beyond doubt that mental disorders, like depression, lead to several kinds of heart and vascular diseases. Poor mental health plays a significant role in diminished immune functioning. Thus, it is very important to give greater importance to mental health.


There is a degree of ambiguity surrounding the concepts of mental health and illness, owing to the lack of definitive signs and symptoms which result in diagnostic confusion. People feel that mental illnesses occur in those who are mentally weak or due to ill-spiritedness. The stigma associated with mental illness leads to its victims being discriminated against in the society in all aspects like education, employment, marriage etc, which leads to reluctance in seeking medical advice.

Thus, it is really important to learn the importance of mental health. It is a vital part of our lives and impacts our thoughts, behavior, actions and emotions. Being healthy emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in everyday activities like work, school or care giving. It plays an important part in the health of our relationships, and allows us to adapt to changes in our lives and cope with adversity. 

- Amrit Kaur Bagga


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