Pseudo Feminism

With every positive effort made by humanity comes a radical and extremist idea. We have come a long way since the first wave of feminism traced back to the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. Now, at the beginning of the 4th wave we find ourselves caught between our own ideals and getting backlash from our own community.

Pseudo-feminism is the term coined for those “feminists” who believe in the superiority of the feminine gender. This radical belief has gained popularity in the current media-ridden age and innumerable misguided male, female and queer feminists who are now ashamed to associate themselves with the movement.

Pseudo-feminism propagates the idea of vengeance against all men and lays foundations for misandrist ideologies. Most commonly, pseudo-feminists are a result of ignorance, half-baked knowledge and tunnel vision. It is of utmost importance to address their views and to educate and define feminism as a stand for equality, because otherwise, the repercussions can lead to a status quo with hundreds of divided definitions and terminologies fighting for precedence and acknowledgment with no common movement to guide us through.

Distribution of efforts and commitment will lead us into a chaotic reality when most of the people are working towards the end goal i.e. equality. It is crucial to realize that equal rights for women doesn’t mean fewer rights for anyone else; it’s not a pie. The fight for equal rights is long and tedious and our best bet is to evolve together by learning and listening to each other.



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