When I first heard about the meaning of cyberbullying as a kid, I could only understand a tiny aspect of it, that is, cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital mediums. When I grew up, I truly understood what it meant. It may take place on social media, gaming platforms and online messaging platforms. Cyberbullying is unfortunately one of the downsides of using the internet. The internet has given people the power to spread hurtful messages and lies about anyone without thinking about the repercussions it may cause to the person suffering through it.
Cyberbullying causes excruciating consequences to those who have to suffer from this inhuman act. It is done by spreading false information about a person; sending threats as messages; impersonating someone and sending unpleasant messages to others on their behalf. Very recently, since there is a rise in social media consumption, I see people commenting their unsolicited opinions on those who have a public profile, in a rude and a very abusive manner. Cyberbullying in younger generations causes trauma that leads to depression and anger. It leads to self esteem and acceptance issues as an individual is constantly bothered about what people online may say about him/her. Research indicates that cyberbullying may encourage suicidal tendencies in some victims. It brings a feeling of hopelessness. When constantly harassed online, individuals may start to see death as the only escape. No one deserves to be harassed online by a person hiding behind their phone’s screen.
Some people project their own insecurities, anger and fear when they bully others. In a world where it is important for us to be kind to each other, cyberbullying is one thing we can do without.
Research says that in India, the number of cyberbullying cases massively grew from 2011-2018. Across Europe and the Americas, it also appears more parents are either becoming aware of their children’s negative experiences with cyberbullying, or their children are increasingly experiencing such attacks online.
Now, the main question here is how to prevent cyberbullying. Firstly, parents should have a more open communication with their children which sets a level of comfort that the child can talk to them about issues that are bothering him/her. As users of the internet and social media, it’s crucial for us to know the applications and platforms we are using. We should always have a look at the privacy terms and conditions for our own safety and be responsible users. Especially if it happens with children, they should be taught how to report cyberbullying and not keep suffering from it. The Indian Government has ‘Cyber Law’ that governs the cyber space including computers, data storage devices, the Internet, networks, websites and emails. We can report cyberbullying since it is a crime indeed. The law is important as there is a large volume of traffic every second on the internet.
Lastly, it’s important that we stay kind to one another, spread positivity and not bully those around us and online.
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